Polyphenolic profile, processing impact, and bioaccessibility of apple fermented products

Green modification techniques: Sustainable approaches to induce novel physicochemical and technofunctional attributes in legume starches

Ekonomiczno-społeczne skutki pandemii COVID-19 dla rolnictwa w Polsce

Response of soil microbiota to various soil management practices in 100-year-old agriculture field and identification of potential bacterial ecological indicator

Zmienione godziny funkcjonowania Biblioteki Głównej SGGW w okresie od lipca do września

Development of drying and roasting processes for the production of plant-based pro-healthy snacks in the light of nutritional trends and sustainable techniques

Narzędzie Scopus AI w zasobach Naukowej Sieci Informacyjnej

Nature on our doorstep: How do residents perceive urban parks vs. biodiverse areas?

The Use of Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping for Canine Mast Cell Tumors

„Droga” Cormaca McCarthy’ego tematem spotkania Akademickiego Klubu Książki